
Willkommen bei Colt-Turbo.De

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Colt-Turbo.De - Hilfe

In der Hilfe finden Sie Fragen und Antworten rund um die Nutzung des Forums und der Website.
Klicken Sie einfach auf die Links unten oder verwenden Sie die Suchfunktion, um mehr über Ihr gewünschtes Thema oder Ihre Frage zu erfahren.

Upload Policy

In order to upload images to Colt-Turbo.De - Galerie, you must agree to the following rules:

  1. All images are the copyright of their respective owners.
    You may not use any of the images on Colt-Turbo.De - Galerie for any purpose without the permission of the copyright holder.

  2. You must own the copyright, or have permission from the copyright holder for any images you upload to Colt-Turbo.De - Galerie. Uploaded images do not and will not infringe on any rights of any third party, including any trademark, copyright, patent, trade secret, right of privacy or publicity or moral rights of any third party

  3. You may NOT upload any images containing material that is of pornographic nature, illegal, defamatory, threatening, obscene, harmful to minors, promoting racism, hatred or discrimination of any kind. Images may NOT violate child pornography or child sexual exploitation laws.

  4. You may not upload any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or this website.

  5. By uploading an image,
    (a) you grant Colt-Turbo.De - Galerie permission to use the image on any Colt-Turbo.De - Galerie page or page


    (b) you agree to indemnify Colt-Turbo.De - Galerie and hold Colt-Turbo.De - Galerie harmless from any and all claims and expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising from the image and/or your failure to comply with this policy.

  6. The decision of the Colt-Turbo.De - Galerie moderators on removing content or banning users is taken by the moderators and is final.

Any images found to break these rules will be removed with no warning. Anyone who uploads an image that violates our rules may be banned from using Colt-Turbo.De - Galerie without any prior notice.

In the case of violation of our policy, we may share any and all information we hold on the user concerned with any interested 3rd parties. Child Pornography related issues will be reported to legal authorities without exception.

If you believe one of our members has uploaded images to Colt-Turbo.De - Galerie that break these rules, please use the 'report image' link so we can take appropriate action.


If somebody is using a picture that you uploaded, we suggest that you contact the individual who posted it. Unless the image violates our policy, we're not able to remove images if you don't own the copyright of this image.

As a general rule, do not post images on Colt-Turbo.De - Galerie, if you are not comfortable having others viewing them.

Hilfe durchsuchen

Wählen Sie diese Option, um sowohl den Text, als auch den Titel eines Hilfeeintrags zu durchsuchen.

Wählen Sie eine der Optionen aus, um Ihre Suchergebnisse besser zu steuern:

'Irgendeines der Wörter finden': Es werden alle Treffer angezeigt, die mindestens einen der Suchbegriffe enthalten.

'Alle Wörter finden': Es werden nur Treffer angezeigt, die alle Suchbegriffe beinhalten.

'Genaue Wortgruppe finden': Es werden nur Treffer angezeigt, die genau diese Wortgruppe beinhalten.

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